Dienstag, 8. März 2011

Trying too hard

What if you knew that you only had a few more weeks left? What if three months would be all you get? Wouldn't you want to try everything possible to enjoy each moment, every day?
That's exactly what I am doing right now. I know that my days here are counted and that soon, everything is going to change, or, in a way, go back to normal.
But because I try so hard to make things work out right and how I want them to be, and because I want everything to be perfect, I'm starting to mess up.

My expectations from everyone around me are so high, that I know, nobody will be able to fulfill them. Even worse though are the expectations I have from myself. I'm telling myself to cherish every single second, that I'm not going to waste any of my time and just make the best out of it. But that's almost impossible. If you're expecting everything to be perfect, things are doomed to go wrong.

And even though I know all this, that I shouldn't put my expectations so high, I'm still doing exactly that.

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